5 tips for the post-graduation job hunt!

Unemployed, between jobs, seeking new opportunities…taking a “pre-career-career break?” Whatever you chose to call it, the post college job hunt is draining and a little more reality inducing than we might like to think. But fear no more – with these 5 savvy tips, you’ll set yourself apart from other candidates, while also insuring you take care of yourself too.

1.  Step away from the Instagram

Post-graduation is a whirlwind. You are swept away from the comforting bubble of lectures, friends and self-adjustable timetables to a more unknown future. Friends and classmates may have landed new internship positions or their dream job and with the easy of accessibility of social media platforms you may see daily updates of what seems to be their perfect new life. Remember not everyone’s life is as polished pre-filter and scrolling through your feed isn’t going to help your morale. Instead, why not take a short break from social media to focus on your own career goals instead

2. Use LinkedIn

If there’s one platform you should keep and maximise its LinkedIn. This is an incredibly underrated tool which allows you to follow companies, recruiters and see up to date job postings relevant to your area. Why not take that extra step and reach out to recruiters in companies you’re interested in with a short note explaining who you are and why you’d fit their company – you’d never know where it might lead you. You can also research candidates who have succeeded in the area you’re interested in to see the career path they followed and what qualifications set them apart in landing that dream job.

3. Get out of the comfort zone

When you’re in the job hunt mind-frame you may be tempted to glue yourself to your laptop and spend hours applying to jobs in the hopes that something will stick. While your dedication and work ethic is admirable – sometimes some of the best opportunities lie in going out and meeting people, whether that’s taking your laptop to your local coffeeshop, library or networking at new events. You never know who you might meet next and how their experience might spark an idea or a path you’d never considered before.

4. Upskill, upskill, upskill

There are a wealth of ways to upskills and make your qualifications more relevant in today’s online driven world. Google offers free online courses in using google analytics, Coursera offers short courses from some of the most reputable Universities worldwide and mobile applications like Duolingo can help you work on those language skills – internship in Madrid anyone? Plus, adding these skills to your CV will do nothing but highlight to employers how motivated and dedicated you are in growing and developing your own skills.

5. Look after yourself

Dealing with job rejection on a regular basis is never easy and its important you look after yourself and keeping a healthy balance. Keep a structure for yourself, set specific “working hours” where you research, apply and contact employers. Outside of those hours make sure to power down your laptop and plan pampering treatments for yourself, go for a walk with friends, prepare healthy meals, declutter your room. These things will help keep you focused and create a necessary balance in helping you to land that ultimate dream job!



