7 day wellness ritual challenge with Awake: You vs You

7 day challenge

Awake Liverpool are on a mission to help people strive to become the very best version of themselves, through their self development centre where they combine fitness, yoga, meditation and mindfulness.

7 day challenge: You vs You

Are you up for a challenge? The team at Awake have set a 7 day ‘You vs You’ daily ritual challenge, to help add some daily disciplines to your routine which will help you not only grow as a person mentally and physically, but also add structure and purpose to your days at a time when a lot of people are feeling a little lost or out of sync.

There really is no greater purpose in life than to become the very best version of yourself in every way possible. This really helps put you in a good space mentally as it doesn’t matter where you are right now or how far away your goals seem, the moment you start to feel progress or growth in some way or another you will feel better. Life’s not all about reaching your goals, it should be more about the journey and who you have to become in the process.

If you feel like you’ve fell off track or with kids finally getting back to school you’re not quite sure what to do with yourself , taking on this challenge might be perfect for you, if you fully commit the next 7 days to getting a solid routine back in place and working on becoming a better person daily – it will put you in good stead for the coming months both physically and mentally.

Are you up for the challenge?

For the next 7 days, try following this 10 steps each day (the cold shower gets easier on day two trust me, I’m actually starting to enjoy the feeling now).

1. 5AM WAKE UP: No snooze, use a 5 second countdown if needed to sit up and immediately drink a glass of water.

2. GRATITUDE: Before you stand up, think of 3 things you’re truly grateful for and say thank you.

3. EXERCISE: 30 minutes of physical exercise, jog, cardio, circuit or even a walk. When possible listen to something motivational/inspiring on YouTube or a podcast. Train your physical and mental muscles together.

4. COLD SHOWER: Every morning try a 30 second cold shower, each day try to increase by 10 seconds. Cold showers have endless benefits, but you should research a guy called Wim Hof, he’ll explain why!

5. MEDITATION: Try to meditate for 10 minutes each day. If you are new to Meditation, there are 1000’s of free videos online or better still you can download for free the Scouse Guru app on the app store.

6. ORGANISE: Organise and plan your day, try to set one goal or intention to achieve each day.

7. AFFIRMATIONS: Say 10 positive affirmations repeated out loud or to yourself. No complaining or negative talk. Try to think about things that make you happy or grateful. For example, I AM a winner!

8. READ: Reading is one of the best ways to train your brain. Read something self development related for 20 minutes.

9. EAT HEALTHY: Eat healthy food. There is no point in putting lots of healthy material into your mind and feeding your body with poor fuel.

10. DO A GOOD DEED: Each day set out to do one good deed. Maybe try to help or lift someone. It can be a friend, family member or a complete stranger you come across who looks like they could do with cheering up. One kind gesture in the morning can effect up to 2000 people in a single day. Consciously be the start of the ripple effect every single morning. It always comes back to you, often at times you need it most!

Share you journey on Instagram, post your pictures and videos tagging @awakeliverpool and use the hashtag #YouVsYou challenge.

A quote from the founder Mark – “If you want better you have to become better and discipline is the strongest form of self Love. This challenge isn’t an easy task by no means but by working on yourself and becoming more valuable as a person you will 100% increase not only your worth to the people closest to you but your worth in whatever line of business your involved in meaning if times are tough at the moment it will help increase your value to your employer or your own business.

And Discipline. If you truly love yourself and want to give the very best version of yourself to the people closest to you then you have to do things which won’t necessarily always be comfortable or easy, but as we all know true growth and the life of your dreams lies on the other side of your fears and your comfort zone.
