Antonia Harman, energy trauma expert and renowned healer divineempowerment.co.uk, offers her advice for anyone going through a breakup and how to emotionally reset…
We have all had our hearts broken at some point, and breakups can be devastating! It can feel like the world is closing in, the closest person to you no-more than a memory.
Breakups are a plentiful in the current climate. Long term relationships have been pushed to the max with lockdown. Spending 24/7 with anyone is virtually impossible, add to that the stress of Covid-19, riots, home schooling and you have the recipe for disaster.
If you are newly single one good think is there are a lot of you out there. Relationships which have been strained for eons have finally bit the dust. So, for once, there really are plenty more fish in the sea.
What should you do? Hopefully you are through the logistical nightmares of splitting, lockdown has of course escalated this pain and inconvenience exponentially. If you want a night away from your partner that is now impossible as hotels are all closed.
If you have finally decided that enough is enough, what can you do to reset? I think a good start is to start to try to forgive yourself, them and the situation. Not because they are/aren’t sorry but for your own wellbeing and piece of mind.
There may be a level of emotional discipline needed, i.e. if you find yourself reminiscing or obsessing just STOP. Change the internal monologue, STOP. Distract yourself. 10 Jumping jacks, or go outside, anything, just change the subject in your head.
If you know you are doing the right thing in splitting it might be prudent to write down / make a private video diary as to why you are splitting. That way if they come begging for affection you are less likely to get swayed into something toxic once more. Talk to friends about it too, let them know why you are done. Work it through in your head then let it go where possible.
If you want an emotional spring clean, I may be able to help? I specialise in dissolving emotional trauma. I can literally evaporate the hurt in a few minutes with my ground breaking energetic techniques. All you need to do is feel the pain and I can erase it.
However you decide to handle a breakup keep strong, breathe when you get overwhelmed. If you are 100% that you want it to be over don’t be talked into resuming the relationship. There is no need to repeat the suffering over and over again!
Good luck, and remember for once there are plenty more fish in the sea, new lockdown fish!

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