Vicki Anstey, one of the UK’s leading fitness experts and founder of Barreworks, shares her advice on what to eat before and after a workout for optimum performance and recovery…
What you eat before or after a workout depends on a variety of factors. What time you train, if you enjoy training fasted and of course the nature of your workout. Are you doing an intense strength session, training for endurance or taking a restorative yoga or pilates class?

What should you eat pre-workout for optimum performance:
If you are training first thing, your body should be able to function well on reserves from your last meal the night before, but a pre-workout banana or handful of nuts will give you a quick energy boost, as well as give you a good dose of magnesium for post-workout recovery.
If you are setting off for a long run (an hour or more) consider a bowl of porridge or wholemeal toast or a bagel with peanut butter.

What should you eat post workout for recovery:
After training, meals are also dependent upon the nature of your training and the level of intensity you are working at. If glucose levels are depleted, you will need to up your carbohydrate intake, if you’ve had a tough strength session and muscle fibres have been damaged, you’ll need to boost your protein.
It’s important to eat at least 45 minutes after an intense workout, certainly no later than 2 hours afterwards. Eating the right amount of carbohydrate and protein after a workout will stimulate protein synthesis, improve recovery and enhance performance for your next workout.
Be careful not to over-estimate how exertive your workout may have been and what refueling your body may need – simple foods packed with micronutrients will maximise nutrient absorption (think berries, apples, bananas, sweet potato, eggs etc).

I’m thrilled to be writing a monthly column for @dailystruggleuk and each month, I’ll be sharing some of the strategies that I use on a daily basis to train for general physical and mental preparedness. I do not believe that I am the most talented person out there, or even the strongest, fastest or fittest, but I do have an inner drive to be the best I can at whatever I do – and I never, ever give up.
Follow Vicki on Instagram @vickianstey and @barreworks