Back in 1695, the very first recorded lonely-hearts ad appeared – just five years after the modern newspaper was invented. Since then, the landscape of finding love has changed immensely, especially with the impact of dating apps. But how exactly do you find love online? Let’s discuss…
Choose the right dating app
Research that there was a clear leader in the dating sphere in terms of global popularity, and that’s Tinder.
Tinder was the highest-rated dating app in the iOS app store in 86 per cent of the 165 countries Betway researched, and in 2018 it was estimated that the app had 50 million users in 190 different countries, boasting a huge 20 billion matches since its launch.
The stats sound good, but is Tinder really the place to find love online? With more and more people describing the frontrunner as nothing more than a ‘hook-up’ site, the chances are probably not…
With that said, there are a wealth of dating websites out there; American-based app Bumble, for example, was the third-most popular on the dating scene in terms of app store ranking, and Hinge was voted to be the best for serious relationship seekers in a survey carried out by cNet.
Put some effort into your dating profile
Creating your profile on a dating app can seem impossibly cringey, but you have to remember that everyone is in the boat and you only get out of life what you put in. It might be tempting to leave sections blank in order to remain mysterious, but research suggests that it’s actually the people who have taken the time to create vibrant, engaging dating profiles who get the most attention.
But what exactly is a ‘vibrant dating profile’? Well, that all depends on the type of person you’re looking for – but, in short, a great profile demonstrates why you’re someone worth spending time with. You might want to crack a few jokes, talk about your favourite hobby, your pets, or your job, but whatever you choose to write, make it something you’d like to read. And make sure that you add a photo: an EliteSingles study found that 52% of people wouldn’t even click on a profile without a picture!
Don’t worry about being everyone’s cup of tea
Whilst creating a good dating profile is important, you shouldn’t worry about being everyone’s cup of tea. You might think that the best way to find love online is to cast your net wide and try to appeal to as many people as possible, but here’s the thing: your ideal match isn’t going to notice some bland, mass-marketed dating profile, but they are going to notice you. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to put your real, unique self online – it might not make everyone in the world hot under the collar, but who has time to date everyone in the world? If you’re looking to find love online, you’re going to have a better chance of finding that elusive authentic connection if you focus on being yourself right from the start.
Know your non-negotiables
When it comes to online dating, it certainly pays off to be open minded – but that doesn’t mean accepting every flirtation that comes your way. In actual fact, if you’re after something a bit more serious is essential that you know what you will and won’t compromise on. Go into and only accept a second date with people who genuinely spark your interest and share your long-term goals.

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