Isn’t getting dumped just the worst feeling ever? Last weekend, I had just enjoyed a really lovely weekend with my other half, when out of nowhere he told me he “wasn’t feeling it anymore.”
I was hurting and, honestly, I cried for two days straight. But first we do sad girl shit, and then we do bad girl shit. So, if like me, you’ve just been dumped and you think you’ll never get over it, don’t worry bestie, I got you.
Here are my top tips on surviving a breakup in 2021:

Cry, as much as you need to
Crying is an outlet, so make sure that you use it. Emotions aren’t meant to be bottled up otherwise we’d explode, and whether you were dating for a few months or a few years you’re completely allowed to be sad about getting dumped. This is particularly true is you were enjoying yourself and didn’t think the relationship was going to come to an end – so allow yourself to acknowledge all those emotions and let them out, you’ll feel a million times better for it.
Find closure
If there’s something you want to say to the dumper in question, then by all means get it off your chest. Of course, I’m not saying text them multiple times, beg for them back or send unnecessary abuse – but clear the air if you think it will help. Ultimately whether you say your piece or not, you have to respect their decision even if you really want to tell them where to go.
Get out with your friends
Instead of focusing on what’s come to an end, divert your attention to the future. Get dressed up, go out for food, go out for drinks and take some fire selfies. Not only will the distraction do you the world of good, but you’ll soon forget about that loser you were crying over two days ago. (Bonus points if they still follow you on social media and can see what they’re missing.)
Stop checking their socials
Seriously, just stop it! You’re going to find something you don’t like and start hurting all over again. It’s not worth your time and energy. Instead…
Stop worrying about getting dumped and focus on YOU
Watch your favourite movie, read a book, eat the ice cream. All the things you wanted to do when you were together but didn’t have time for. Self care should be your priority and you learn to enjoy your own company again.
So there you have it, my top tips on getting dumped and living to tell the tale in 2021. It’s a massive cliche to say it but time really does heal all wounds and you won’t be hurting forever so in the words of Latrice Royale, get up, look sickening and make ‘em eat it.

Family editor Rachael isn’t like a regular mom, she’s a cool mom. Sharing family friendly days out and tips on how to survive life whilst being outnumbered by two boisterous boys, follow her adventures over at