Fertility crystals; what are they, which ones should you use, and can they actually help with getting pregnant, or is it all just a scam? Let’s investigate!

What are fertility crystals?
Many people believe that health issues can stem from problems, or ‘blockages’ in energy centers (often referred to as “chakras”) within the body, and it’s thought that these issues can be solved by specific types of crystals.
Folklore tells us that each crystal has its own electromagnetic field, which can be used help to regulate imbalances within the body, or release blockages that might be causing harm.
If you’re a big believer in crystal healing, you’ll know there’s a stone for every ailment – but fertility crystals tend to be the ones that are in tune with our heart chakra, root chakra (spine and pelvic floor), and sacral chakra (above the belly button).
But do they work?
Despite the lack of solid science around the subject, it only takes a quick Google search to find thousands of personal accounts and anedotes claiming that the healing power of fertility crystals can help both women and men when starting a family.
Whether you believe these accounts or not is very much up to you, but there’s no denying the power of a placebo . If carrying crystals can make you feel like you’re taking control of a situation, you may find that it also helps to lower your stress levels – and that, in turn, may help to boost your reproductive viability.
Here at TDS, we always recommend seeking expert medical advice before you look into alternative therapies, but if you think crystals may help you along your fertility journey, let’s take a look at the best ones to use!

5 of the best fertility crystals
As we’ve already mentioned, fertility crystals tend to be those associated with the heart, root and sacral chakras – so you’ll see a lot of greens, oranges and reds in this list!
Rose quartz
Let’s start with one of our favourites; Rose quartz – known as the crystal of universal love. Strongly associated with the heart chakra, Rose Quartz is thought to surround you in loving and compassionate energy and help to provide a sense of inner peace and emotional protection.
This pink stone is also said to promote self-love and compassion, making it the perfect crystal for those looking to start a family.
How to use it
Due to it’s strong association with the heart chakra, this stone is a great one to wear close to your chest – perhaps around your neck or tucked into your bra! It’s also a great one to keep on your bedside table to promote a healthy and loving sex life.


Aquamarine is thought to be a powerful crystals to shield the energy of both mothers and babies.
In folklore, it’s said to be extremely protective during pregnancy; helping to bring an inner calm, soothe paranoid thoughts and even help to discourage miscarriages.
The tranquil energy of Aquamarine is unmatched in the crystal world, and this soothing stone is a great choice for anyone fighting feelings of frustration, who want to go with the flow rather than fight the tide.
How to use it
As another stone with strong heart chakra associations, aventurine is best used when placed near your heart – either on a pendant or on a brooch.

A yellowy amber in colour, Citrine is associated with the sacral chakra, and represents prosperity, joy, and positive energy.
This crystal is most commonly used to keep ones spirits high, particularly when trying for a baby. It’s sunny colour and “good vibes” are said to raise spirits and help you stay positive in the face of adversity.
How to use it
This crystal is thought to be an especially powerful one to use if you’re feeling emotionally drained or hopeless, and it’s said that meditating with this brightly coloured stone can naturally raise your vibration.

As ‘the stone of feminine energy’, Moonstone is said to help balance hormones naturally and is known for its intuitive healing properties.
Moonstone is also linked to new beginnings, and through it’s connection to the moon it’s hailed by crystal healers as the perfect stone to bring balance back to your life and remind you of the cyclical nature of things.
How to use it
Place moonstone in any part of your home that you wish to be infused with harmony and emotional balance – close to your bed is a great choice if you’re trying to start a family!

As a traditional talisman stone, Green Jade is associated with all matter of the heart, as well as being known for its luck and good fortune.
It’s also the stone of emotional balance, and is thought to help harmonise your energy; keeping you on track and reminding you not to sweat the small stuff. Green Jade helps you to release of these pent-up emotions without exploding, and transforms negativity energy into compassion and love.
How to use it
Keep Green Jade on your person to bring good luck and regulate negative emotions.
The bottom line on fertility crystals
Ultimately, if placing crystals and stones around your home or wearing them on your person makes you feel more relaxed, go for it! It certainly can’t hurt your fertility chances!
But in terms of their effectiveness on reproductive health and fertility, science doesn’t support that. We can’t deny they look great though!

Jen is our resident wellness and features editor here at The Daily Struggle. You will probably find her on the beach, painting her house or writing about magick and motherhood.