Everything you need to ease yourself into SAD season

SAD or seasonal affective disorder, as you may have heard it referred to, is known as winter depression because the symptoms are usually more apparent and severe during the colder months. Generally, the symptoms include low mood, loss of interest in everyday activities and generally feeling a bit irritable and struggle to get going in the mornings.  

Right now autumn is in full swing and whilst it brings the beautiful changing leaves and trees and an urge to get cosy and binge Netflix; it also comes with an overwhelming change in season thanks to long, dark nights and shorter days.  

If you are feeling the change, or recognise the signs, there are a few things you can do to help, if you struggle with this time of year. 

We’ve pulled together our autumnal checklist of self-care essentials to ease into the seasons ahead.  

Get outdoors  

Shorter days and dark nights mean less opportunities to get outside in daylight hours. But this is exactly why you should prioritise heading outdoors and soaking up some vitamin D. Whilst we’d all love to spend our lunch break by the sea or in the peaks, it’s not the reality for us all. 

how avoid seasonal affective disorder

Your outdoor space might not be insta-worthy but visiting your local park or taking a walk around the block will be far more beneficial than you’d initially think.  

Early morning sunlight is an important source of vitamin D3 so if you can walk the dog before work or do the school-run on foot, it will improve your mood and keep those feel-good vibes going all day long. 

how avoid seasonal affective disorder

Supplement up  

Whilst we’re firm believers in taking your vitamins and supplements all year round, during the colder months is when you’ll need a helping hand the most. We’ve been trying Purolabs for the last month; fueled by nature, backed by science, it’s a vitamin brand with a difference.  

Every bottle is 100% natural, cruelty-free, vegan and made in the UK. There’s no hidden nasties and they do exactly what they say on the tin.  

Now I’m heading towards my mid-30’s, I decided to try the women’s health bundle. The bundle contains Puro Omega-3, Milk Thistle & Puro Multivitamin. Taken daily, I’m over four weeks in and feeling great, truly.  

My skin feels great and fresh, I feel focused at work and generally, in good health. Purolabs have lots of different options, depending on your health needs and I will definitely use the brand again.  

Invest in a lumie light 

If you haven’t heard of a lumie light, where have you been? Designed to wake you up naturally, the sunrise alarm clock makes the change of clocks far less scary. The lumie offers a 30-minute sunrise effect to help you wake naturally and ease into the day, even on the darkest and most miserable of mornings.  

Find your exercise  

I’ll preface this by saying; I am categorically not a gym goer. I don’t do group exercise or anything remotely strenuous. Walking is my jam and I like to hit my 10k steps most days. (Emphasis on the most!). With the change in seasons, it can get tricky, so I have been switching it up and started swimming.  

Swimming for just 40 minutes leaves me feeling great, refreshed and like I’ve moved my body. Finding what works for you is so important. We’re all complete individuals and what your BFF or your boyfriend may like, might not be your thing.  

Why not use the autumn months to try a new form of exercise or a new YouTube workout. Getting moving for at least one hour a day will make you feel good, far less sluggish and like you’ve achieved something before a night on the sofa. Give it a go – you’ve literally nothing to lose! 
