How to create the cosiest home

Windy, rainy and cold weather all might affect how much you want to go outside. And while there is no harm in spending some quality time indoors, it might feel sad if you were planning to enjoy some fresh air. By making sure your home is as cosy as can be, however, you can easily make staying in feel like the best way to spend your day. 

Are you unsure of how to go about making your home feel like a place you want to hang out and relax all day long? Not to worry! Below, we have gathered a few easy ways to upgrade your home to the ideal place to be when the weather is making you stay at home. 

Give yourself a pleasant type of light

When you are working or cooking, plenty of light is ideal. It allows you to see exactly what you are doing without straining your eyes. And it might even make you feel more awake. However, a sharp light might not be your best option when going for that cosy atmosphere. 

This does not mean that you have to replace all of the lights in your home, however, as you will need those bright lights again. Instead, you can opt for adding some smaller lamps with a dim light around the area you are planning to spend the most time. You can also consider adding a few candles to really create that unique, relaxed mood perfectly suitable for cold, dark weather. 

Make sure you have a comfortable place to relax

Your dining chair might be a nice place to sit while you are eating, working, or maybe enjoying a cup of tea with loved ones. But if you are planning to kick up your feet and relax all day, your usual chair might not cut it. 

Whether you want to lean back with a good book, a cup of coffee, or your favourite TV show, a soft and comfortable sofa or armchair might be a better choice. Here, you can lie down or curl up – all while feeling relaxed and comfortable. Add a warm blanket and a couple of pillows, and you have yourself a perfect spot to spend your day. 

Bring the outdoors inside

Simply because the weather is bad or you do not feel like going outside for any other reason, it does not mean you cannot enjoy some green plants anyway. It is always a good idea to have a couple of plants at home as it can help boost your mood and even help improve your air quality. But if you enjoy the outdoors, adding some green plants to your home can help make staying in feel even more like an ideal way to spend the day. 

You do not have to be especially good at keeping plants alive in order to enjoy some green in your home. Succulents, for example, are very sturdy plants that will not wilt simply because you forgot to water them for a while. You can also choose to add fake plants if you want to make sure they will last forever. These days, it can be hard to tell the difference between real and fake plants. So why not make it easier for yourself? Add your desired type of green to your home and feel how big of a difference the plants can make.

Fill your home with fun activities

One reason it can feel as if you are trapped or wasting the day if you stay home is probably because you do not have anything to do. One day of relaxing in front of the television might be fine. But if you spend day after day watching film after film, you might start to feel as if you are wasting time. 

An easy way to avoid this is to make sure you have plenty of different activities to keep you entertained. If you enjoy curling up with a good book, you can try to always have a couple of new books on your bookshelf. Or how about diving into creative hobbies? You can easily spend a couple of cosy hours doodling in your bullet journal or in your notebook. You can also take up knitting, crocheting, or embroidery – all of which can actually be done while watching TV or socialising. 

Any activity can be made cosy if you include the right elements. Wrap yourself in a blanket and place a cup of hot chocolate next to you while you game and feel how different the atmosphere will become. Even working from home can feel different if you light a couple of candles, place yourself on the couch and enjoy a cup of tea while balancing your computer on your lap. 
