Students, we’ve got you! Whether you need something to ease your freshers week hangover, something to motivate you to finally start that essay or just something to make you feel a bit better about having no real idea how to adult, (don’t worry, that feeling never goes away no matter how old you are) here are some more of the best binge-worthy Netflix for students shows that every single student needs to put on their watch-list in their first year.
For reassurance: Fresh Meat
From drunken binges and sexual endeavors to house politics and the worry of getting a job; Fresh Meat is the ultimate, binge-worthy show to make all students feel a bit better about what’s going on around them
Along with all the laughs, what Fresh Meat does best is remind us that higher education isn’t just about getting a piece of paper with your degree written on it. This laugh-out-loud comedy is a funny, insightful and surprisingly moving argument for the importance of university.
For motivation: Ru Paul’s Drag Race
Not only is this Emmy-winning series following 14 Drag Queens as they battle for the title of America’s Next Drag Superstar an absolute must to fill those rainy days where only Netflix is your friend – watching those fierce queens flap it in the workshop, before managing to pull a stunning runway look out the bag every time is bound to have you ready to tackle that ballache of an essay you’ve been putting off for weeks!
For references: Breaking Bad
Let me level with you, you’re going to go to a lot of house parties where drunk people are going to aggressively recommend TV shows to you that you’re never going to watch. You’re also going to meet a lot of people who think ‘banter’ is quoting TV characters you’ve never seen. If you want to have a clue what anyone is talking about, make sure you watch at least one of the iconic series’, (I’m talking The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones.) Not only is Breaking Bad arguably the best of the bunch, it’s available on Netflix AND it might give you a few good ideas to earn money if your degree doesn’t happen to work out!
For curing your hangover: Bojack Horseman
Now in its fifth season, this hilarious and poignant comedy about a washed up, ex-celebrity horse is the ultimate antidote to all of your hangover woes. Considering BoJack is on a near-constant downward spiral, as are most of his friends and acquaintances, the show will not only make your own bad life choice pale in comparison, but the animation means you don’t actually have to think too hard. Perfect!
For perspective: Black Mirror
In a world where instagram likes are the new currency, and a decent night out requires a full photoshoot beforehand to prove that it happened; Black Mirror is the netflix show you need to put all that back into perspective. The series is made up of a number of self-contained episode, all taking a look at the darker side of technology. The perfect choice if you’re sick of your mates taking selfies all night instead of enjoying the fun of freshers.
Check out ‘The 6 Stages of Binge Watching a new TV series’

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