Brow stamps: the latest beauty craze you need to try

I absolutely love seeing a new beauty trend take over the internet and if you’re a regular on the beauty TikTok pages you will have seen the brow stamp craze everywhere!

Being a huge lover of brows in general I couldn’t wait to try out this trend for myself.

So what is a brow stamp?

A brow stamp kit includes exactly that stamp! along with various stencils, the idea is to pick out the perfect stencil shape for your brows and stamp it on with a pomade. You can apply them over your natural brows for a pain-free, no commitment method to achieve perfect-looking brows within minutes.

What do I need to know before I start?

There are a few things to look out for before you purchase, one of those being to ensure the colour of the brow stamp is the correct colour for you, don’t go too dark or too light, the rule of thumb is to pick a colour that matches the brows you already have. You can always add more to darken if you wish.

Secondly, I would suggest picking out the brow shape that works well with your own features, no one’s eyebrows are the same so try out the different stencils on your arm or even on paper before you commit to your face! If you have a round face a high arch and full brow is ideal however if your face is long or oval a straight brow with a minimal arch would suit you much more. Thirdly, be patient, it took me several goes with my brow stamp and stencils before I was completely happy with the look, luckily it’s super easy to wipe off and start again, but persist with it as the end result is so worth it!

How do I do it?

Firstly brush your brows! this is so important as brushing the brows into place will help to give you an idea of where to apply the stencil.

Pick the stencil you want to go for and add either over your own brows or in the place, you would like your brow to be (this works particularly well if you have minimal brows already) and then stamp the product over the top, go easy at first to see the pigment. I tried out two variations and one was much more pigmented than the other, go lightly as you can always build this up if needs be. Once you have stamped the product along the brow remove the stencil and be amazed at your full perfect looking brow! If it smudges at all over the brow line using a cotton bud dipped in micellar water to just clean up the edges.

Is it worth it?

Yes! I absolutely loved trying out this trend. Will I use it every day? potentially not, but for a full makeup look, I will definitely be using this method going forward. If you struggle with your brows or they’re very sparse I would suggest trying these out for yourself! you will be amazed at what you can achieve with such a simple product.

Available via Amazon for just £9.99.
