Benefits of Reiki: four things you didn’t know

Have you ever heard about the benefits of Reiki? It is an ancient healing technique rediscovered in Japan in the early 1900’s, which balances the…

A beginners guide to CBD oil for Period Pain

Can CBD oil help to ease period pain? We spoke to Our Remedy – the CBD oil designed specifically with women in mind – to…

3 easy slow cooker recipes you need to try this week

With us all (quite rightly) staying at home for the forseeable, there’s no better time to discover some delicious new recipes to add to your…

How to make the most of your day in five easy steps

Your life is jam-packed – so how can you shoe-horn in that time to achieve those next jumps ahead? Well, there’s an under-used part of the…

How to beat January depression

January is a graft, isn’t it? You’re skint after Christmas, the fun nights out with your friends are officially replaced with ‘Netflix and cry’ on…

‘One Health Whole you’ Review Liverpool

How often do we stop and listen to the needs of our body? How much water (hot drinks/juice doesn’t count) do you drink a day?…

How to Reduce Allergies in your Home this Summer

Trees blossoming in the spring are a welcome sight for most, a sign that the cold, dark days of winter are over and brighter, warmer…
