The clocks have gone back, the temperature has dropped and Starbucks have their red cups back. Yes, whether you like it or not, it’s festive season, bitches. And that means one thing; hibernating on the couch with snacks, mulled wine and Christmas films. So, if you’re stuck for choice, here are our top five Childrens Christmas films to get you into the festive mood:
Father Christmas
If you haven’t seen this cartoon cracker from the early 90s, please educate yourself immediately! Father Christmas comes in in fifth place purely for nostalgic reasons – and for the hilarious insight into Father Christmas’ love of alcohol, gambling and Vegas showgirls.
This little gem, written by Raymond Briggs a few years after his first hit “The Snowman”, gives crucial evidence that the boy manages to re-make his snowman (2 mins 25) – easing the excruciating emotional pain that we all suffered as a kid when Briggs killed off our magical hero so heartlessly the first time.
It’s a Wonderful Life
‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ is by far the best Christmas film to watch if you want to drink baileys and become an emotional wreck. If you haven’t seen it, basically main character, George Bailey, is visited by his guardian angel to get a short view of how terrible the world would be if he had never been born. As you can imagine, it gives you all the feels.
The only downside is that it invariably leaves you wondering whether you’ve really had as much of a positive impact on the world as George Bailey did – but, if you want my advice, grab another glass of Baileys and let’s save that can of worms for another time.
Miracle of 34th Street
Ok, I know; this is essentially a film about an elderly gentleman with serious mental health issues who believes, without a shadow of a doubt, that he is the real Father Christmas – and in turn is taken pity on by a New York courtroom.
In fact, if there was a sequel to this film the opening sequence would probably be a birds-eye shot of “Chris Cringle” rocking violently in cell after being arrested on several counts of theft and being a danger to himself and others. But who doesn’t feel all warm and fuzzy when those bags of letters to Santa are dragged in front of the judge?
Home Alone 1 / Home Alone 2 (not three though, never three.)
The problem with society today, is that this little gem would never be commissioned for production now, because apparently the kids of today can’t differentiate between fantasy and real life.
That said, on re-watching them as an adult it’s clear that Kevin is a sadistic and highly troubled young boy who, rather than ringing the police immediately for assistance, decides to conduct a series of painful, and lengthy torture methods on a couple of petty thieves.
While we’re on the subject, it also teaches young children a confusing message about mortality and how many bricks one human can take to the face without dying. That said, Home Alone is one of the best childrens christmas films around – and you can even make a decent drinking game out of how many times Marv gets injured!
The Muppets Christmas Carol
This is not only the best adaptation of Dickens’ classic that’s ever been made, but my all-time favourite Christmas film! After all, what’s more festive than a film that teaches kids that muppet pigs, talking vegetables and humans can live together in harmony?

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