Day in the Life of Heaps+Stacks Event Designer ‘Keziah Wildsmith’

A day in the life of Keziah Wildsmith, owner and director of Heaps + Stacks event design agency.

I wake up at 6.30ish (after a good few snoozes) and get my gym stuff on, have a quick coffee and make my way to the gym. I run for 30 mins and mix in a few other weights whilst probably trying to post something cute/catchy on the work Instagram about one of our current projects.

Heaps & Stacks Event Designer

I might start by popping into town to meet with a client to chat through plans for an upcoming life drawing class for a wellness brand, where we will transform the space into one giant bed, and the attendees will all be tucked up in linen duvets as they draw the various models from within a cloud of duvets and pillows.

On the way back to the office I will probably grab another coffee while ringing my Granny and getting her opinion on my millennial qualms – which normally gives me a bit of perspective on anything I’m finding problematic!

In the office we try and work until lunchtime without disturbing each other too much, so during this time I will try and get on with checking through creative treatments, coming up with new ideas as well as checking in on the live projects to make sure all are staying on track.

The way the team is structured means that I normally dip in and out of the projects at the critical points checking budgets work and also creative targets have been hit whilst making sure the team are all staying sane… which is a constant balancing act.

Then after lunch there’s a lot of brainstorming over the desks or just general low grade Daily Mail style gossip thrown around as well as the coming and going of various props and pieces of set dressing to be used for the upcoming jobs.

Heaps & Stacks Event Designer

As well as the project work, I also work on a lot of the new business stuff, for example we are now working on a supper club for the general public (which I don’t want to give too much away) but will be an Instagram-delight. In addition we are always working on a number of client parties to showcase our work – last week we ran one called Camp Betterment which was all based around bettering yourself but set in a American Summer Camp setting!

My afternoon might end in a site visit to a new venue such as The Standard Hotel (which I’m on my way to as write this), where we will tour the site with the client and workout how to get the best out of the space and a budget. Once the client has left myself and the producers will work out the logistics and make sure we have enough time and resource for the proposed install. We will also at this work with specialist artists, stylist and prop designers to make sure all creative aspects of the project are perfect.

Follow Heaps & Stacks on Instagram @heaps_stacks
