The world is insane right now, and with a huge majority of the country social distancing it means that a lot of us are working from home.
Which, between juggling kids, pets and home life, is a LOT. But if one good thing has come out of this, it’s all those dogs who are getting more cuddles and walks with their humans being at home all day.
So, to brighten up these uncertain times, here are 15 dogs that are definitely enjoying working from home more than you are.
Barney The Fox Pom
Sunshine and Skype with a view for our main man Barney.
Follow Barney on Instagram @barneythefoxpom
World Travelling Bichon
Jasper knows you should dress for work as normal, but likes to be comfortable in his own home, ok?
Follow Jasper on Instagram: @worldtravelling_bichon
Harlee The Dachchund
Harlee’s making a brew round, if you want one?
Follow Harlee on Instagram: @harleethedachshund
Capucine The Queen
Capucine is sorry to interrupt when you’re super busy, but it’s time for walkies.
Follow Capucine on Instagram: @capucinethequeen
Jackson the Dalmation
Jackson wants to know why you’re still four minutes late for work when you only had to walk downstairs?
Follow Jackson on Instagram: @jackson_the_dalmation
Mr. Moose
Mr. Moose is looking at the numbers, Karen, but they don’t add up.
Follow Mr. Moose on Instagram: @mrmoose_norfolk
Helmutt The Bassethound
Helmutt can’t believe how EXHAUSTING staying at home all day can be.
Follow Helmutt on Instagram: @helmuttthebassethound
Duffy The Fluffy
Duffy would like to assure you that he is doing everything he can.
Follow Duffy on Instagram: @duffy_the_fluffy
Pedro The Cockerspaniel
Pedro understands the importance of regular screen breaks.
Follow Pedro on Instagram: @pedro.the.cocker.spaniel
Poppy the Westie
Poppy is just glad she can finally listen to something other than Smooth FM.
Follow Poppy on Instagram: @hazelandpoppy90
Ruben the Cavoodle
Ruben just wants to let you know that the sun’s out and you can work outdoors if you want to.
Follow Ruben on Instagram: @ruebnourcavoodle
Bacon The Dog
Bacon has been ready for his 3pm video call since 8am.
Follow Bacon on Instagram: @baconthedoggers
Halley The Pug
Halley thinks you should put a sweater on if you’re cold – we can’t have the heating on all day!
Follow Halley on Instagram: @halleypug
Dante The Pug
Dante would like to apply for the PA job, his CV is quite extensive.
Follow Dante on Instagram: @dantethepug2015
Freddie the Low rider
“Per my last email Kren, you did not throw the ball”
Follow Freddie on Instagram: @freddiethelowrider

Jen is our resident wellness and features editor here at The Daily Struggle. You will probably find her on the beach, painting her house or writing about magick and motherhood.