Ghetto Golf Liverpool reopens their doors for the first time in months, and they’ve been busy.
Upon hearing about the imminent closure of their business for the foreseeable future, Ghetto Golf’s owners Danny Bolger and Kip Piper decided that they weren’t going to just sit on their hands and wait for everywhere to reopen again. Instead they decided to get to work, giving Liverpool’s favourite mini golf course a facelift.
This revamp was a labour of love from Danny and Kip, a way of thanking the many, many customers who’ve been loyal to them over the last four years. After all, that loyalty has meant the lads can now have their sights on opening 10 more Ghetto Golf’s across the UK by 2022.
The last venue was built entirely out of scrap and salvage, with a lot of spray paint on the side – a total grunge extravaganza that had a real edge to it and gave the whole place a sense of character. While the new refit is a lot more polished, they’ve still managed to keep the core essence of the place at its heart. It’s loud, it’s in-yer-face and it’s boss.

The new layout has been worked on by ex-BBC set designers, and it shows. The designs for each hole have been knocked up a notch – bigger, better and ballsier. Each with its own unique theme, most of which completely an utterly shameless. You don’t even get to make it to the ninth hole before you’re confronted with an army of dildos you’ve got to slot past. Oh, and also, Jeremy Kyle has his own hole.
Ghetto Golf is more than just a few rounds of golf, followed a passive aggressive argument about getting beaten by your bird (don’t ask) – it’s a complete experience. It’s not just a golf course with a low-rent restaurant and bar stitched onto the side of it, the Apocalypse Cow shack serves up some truly incredible street food as well as some banging cocktails. You can literally get served for drinks as you make your way around the course – what more do you want?

I always liked Ghetto Golf before, it was something a bit different where you’d always have a laugh no matter who you went with, but now they’ve somehow made it even better. The whole place has an immersive theatre vibe about it, you can see the effort that’s gone into the redesign and they’ve got something to be even prouder of in the heart of the Baltic. Some good can come out of a pandemic, eh?
Ghetto Golf reopens to the public Friday 24th July – you can www.ghettogolf.co.uk/liverpool/booking/
Tom is the Mens lifestyle editor here at The Daily Struggle. Interested in Mens health and fashion, theater and eats copious amounts of cheese toasties when he thinks no one is looking.