That strange toilet-roll hoarding, no pasta in the supermarket part of lockdown doesn’t seem real now things are starting to return to normal. But one thing this pandemic has taught us all, is that we need to try and become more self-sufficient.
Growing your own vegetables is a great place to start – which you might never have considered if you don’t have a garden, but is absolutely doable even in an apartment!
So, if you want to know how to grow your own vegetables indoors, outdoors or anywhere really, keep reading.
Why grow your own vegetables in pots?
Most vegetables grow really well in containers/pots so this is a really easy way to experience and enjoy the freshness and flavour of home grown vegetables, without taking up too much of your space. Also, it gives you the chance to try and grow vegetables that you don’t often find your local supermarket.

What do you need to grow your own veg?
Containers to grow veg in
The container you choose can be anything from a pot, a trug, a barrel, grow bag or bin. Help the environment by avoiding buying plastic pots, instead use the ones you already have and use them repeatedly until they (eventually) degrade, or look around, and try to up-cycle random containers by drilling some holes in the bottom.

- Ensure that the container is large enough to house the plant. If you see signs that the plant is struggling, (you’ll be able to tell) pot on to a larger container.
- Make sure that all containers have drainage holes, so excess water can drain away.
- Avoid terracotta [clay] pots as they are porous so will need watering more often. Dark containers absorb more heat, so can overheat the soil.
- Never use containers that have been treated with chemicals as plants can absorb them.
- Remember, the larger the container, the longer the soil holds onto the water. Containers 10 inches wide and 12 inches deep are fine for most medium sized vegetables.
- Some plants need particularly large containers. Climbing plants like runner beans and cucumbers do best in containers 20 inches across and 12 inches deep.

Obviously, you’ll need soil for your vegetables to grow in, but it’s worth buying organic potting compost made for containers if you can, as it’ll help to give your veg a better flavour.
When filling your containers, always leave an inch or two gap at the top of the pot to allow the water to gather and seep through.

Next up, seeds. You can get these from almost anywhere these days; online, in supermarkets, at your local garden centre. Just make sure that you always follow the instructions on the seed packets, especially when it comes to the advice it gives about when to put your plants outside. If you put young plants outside to soon, they won’t survive a late frost.
Remember to always plant more seeds than you need as they won’t all germinate.

Once you’re prepped you’re good to go! All your veg needs is light (a windowsill will work if you’re growing veg indoors) and a bit of TLC.
Remember to:
- Always label to ensure identification.
- Feed vegetables, especially when they begin to produce.
- Mulch containers with straw or leaf mould to prevent drying out.
- Be observant re weeds and pests.
- Use fresh soil each year to avoid soil infections and insect infestations.
- Always wash all veg before eating.
- Wash containers before re-using.

When it comes to anything to do with gardens and wildlife, Dina is your woman. From growing your own veg to making your garden the perfect haven for UK wildlife, follow Dina’s top tips.