As we know now through increasing awareness, a lot of men can hide their physical and mental health conditions due to embarrassment associated with it. This is something socially that we’re all trying to overcome and move away from stigmas associated toxic masculinity.
One of these conditions that can be considered to be embarrassing is erectile dysfunction. Often in social settings, people can be humoured by the idea of random erectile dysfunction brought on by stress or the consumption of alcohol. However, it can be embarrassing for the guy involved and if it becomes a commongn problem, they really need to speak to a doctor.
The likelihood is that if your partner for example is having this issue regularly they will have some form of erectile dysfunction. This can range from mild to severe, with men of all ages capable of developing it. The risk of it happening does increase with age, but that doesn’t mean that they’re abnormal if they get it whilst they’re young.
Fortunately, erectile dysfunction isn’t something anyone has to simply have to put up with because there are ways to treat it. Ask the man in your life to read through our article. Here’s what they’ll want to consider if they’re in this position.
Lifestyle Changes
Something that might be hurting your ability to get erect is your lifestyle. If you’re not particularly active, indulge in unhealthy foods and behaviours, and typically experience a lot of stress, you might be making your erection problems worse.
Fortunately, these are all things you can change without seeking medical assistance. If you don’t do much exercise at the moment, find something you can enjoy doing and engage it that a few times a week. As for food, this resource should give you a good idea of what to be putting into your body. The older you are, the more critical it is to take care of yourself, so a healthy diet is always essential.
With bad habits like smoking or drinking excessively, it’s worth cutting down on them, if not eliminating them completely. Then with stress, you might want to consider adopting mindfulness strategies, opening up about your problems to others, or simply removing yourself from situations that impact your mental wellbeing.
Adopting these changes can be difficult and won’t have immediate effects. However, making these adjustments could help with your erectile dysfunction, meaning you won’t have to seek more invasive treatments.
Your doctor may recommend that, even if you are making lifestyle changes, you take medication to help with your erectile dysfunction. Certain tablets, like tadalafil, are often effective at resolving such issues because they increase blood flow to the penis. You don’t even need to visit a GP to get these, as you can buy them through Chemist Click. However, they do require a consultation before allowing you to purchase anything.
How much of this medication you should take often depends on your needs. Those who enjoy more spontaneity in their sex life may benefit from 2.5mg or 5mg tablets which you take daily. The lower dose reduces the chances of experiencing side effects. Doctors will typically recommend starting at 2.5mg and increasing the strength if you observe no change over a specified period.
Alternatively, you might wish to take 10mg or 20mg tablets which should be taken shortly before sexual intercourse, rather than daily. The effects of this medication can last up to 36 hours, so they’re good if you intend on having sex across several consecutive days. Again, it’s usually advised that you start on the weaker dose and increase the strength if they prove unsuccessful.
Vacuum Pump
Another potential solution that doesn’t require medical intervention is using a vacuum pump. Essentially, all this entails is that you place your penis into a tube, creating a pressure difference that increases blood flow. Provided you wear a ring around the base of your penis to prevent deflation, this can be a great way to enjoy sexual intercourse without much hassle.
The fact that this ring essentially dictates whether you maintain an erection or not means you have more control over the situation than if you take medication or receive surgery. However, you should never wear this for longer than 30 minutes as it can cause long-term damage. You also need to ensure that it’s the right size for your manhood. If it’s too big, it won’t help you maintain an erection, and if it’s too small, it can become uncomfortable. Therefore, you might need to do some experimenting to find what size works for you.
Surgical Implant
The more severe your erectile dysfunction, the more inclined you may be to seek significant treatment. In some cases, a penile implant might seem like the best course of action.
Essentially, this entails having flexible rods surgically implanted into your penis, which then allow you to gain or lose an erection when desired. The treatment is largely successful, but it’s not one to be taken lightly. Most men who go under the knife only do so because alternative solutions failed to work.
You’re unlikely to be approved for this procedure if you haven’t tried some of the other treatments mentioned here. Doctors prefer recommending less-invasive solutions while your erectile dysfunction still appears reversible, given the changes that surgery entails.
Erectile dysfunction can feel very emasculating, especially if you develop it at a younger age. The important thing to remember, though, is that it’s not uncommon, and most cases aren’t severe. By giving one or two of these treatments a go, you’ll likely improve your situation significantly. Plus, a doctor can always advise you best on what to do if you’re uncertain about anything.

From scaling mountain peaks to savouring exotic flavours, I’m a passionate explorer with an insatiable appetite for adventure and good food. As an Outdoor Adventure and Travel Editor, I’m constantly seeking new experiences that ignite my senses and broaden my horizons. Through my blog, I share captivating travel tales, mountain-tested advice, healthy food inspiration, and training tips to empower fellow adventurers on their own journeys of discovery.
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