How to Make Friends Online and Why It’s Healthy to Do So

The internet has made it much easier to “make friends” — something that The Guardian’s Coco Khan confirmed in an experiment she conducted in July. She set out to find new friends using Bumble BFF and Nextdoor, and quickly forged an acquaintanceship with a nearby neighbour.

Khan’s experiment showed how easy it is to find new friends online. Yet, in today’s culture there is a wariness about being friends with strangers over the web. While there is no question that you have to be careful when online, denying yourself the chance to make friends over the internet is a missed opportunity. It is both easy and healthy to do so. Here’s why:

Why is it healthy to make online friends

Live About details how online friendships can benefit you by being an additional source of support. It is also much easier to find online friends who have gone through the same experience as you compared to your offline friends.

Additionally, we are empowered to share more about ourselves with our online friends, and that’s due to the web’s anonymity. In turn, this liberates us to open up a little bit more. This is very healthy as it means there is always a support system in place where you can discuss any issue you want.

How to make online friends

Friendship sites

Making online friends isn’t just a matter of clicking “Add Friend” on social media. While Facebook and Instagram are popular in this regard, there are other choices, too. The aforementioned Bumble BFF and Nextdoor are excellent alternatives, and they are widely used here in the UK. They are also designed for finding new friends rather than staying connected with old ones.

Leverage social media

It pays to be social media savvy as they are great platforms to meet new people. Today social media is where many people get their information from and this means there are plenty of opportunities to connect with people of similar interests. However, you need to be careful and will want to avoid the gaffes we featured in our ‘Cringiest Social Media Moments’ compilation. If you’re interested in a certain clothing brand or TV programme, and want to talk about it, turn to social media and join the groups.

Engage in online gaming communities

The internet has changed how people interact with each other, and one of the top examples of this is online gaming communities. While it often gets a bad rep and is seen as a toxic environment for women (and this is partly true) it can also open up doors to lasting friendships. With a recent report by Newzoo revealing that 46% of gamers are female, online gaming is fast becoming a popular way for women to connect and make friends online. In fact, gaming company Gen.G recently combined with Bumble to create an eSports female community “that [would] give voice to and promote how women bring gaming into their lives and friendships.”

Online gaming communities have always been one of the most effective ways to make friends online, as the game can act as a gateway to meet people across the globe. This can be seen in every type of online game, from video games to online casino communities, especially for social games like poker. Pocket Full of Apps review of PPPoker shows how the company aims to change online gaming by connecting new players across the globe and letting them set up private clubs. This dynamic offers a more intimate setting for new players and helps protect them from other players who could take advantage of their inexperience. With companies like Gen.G and PPPoker doing more to create safe social spaces, online gaming is shaking off its toxic reputation and becoming a place where friends can be made.

If you are looking to reach out and meet new people don’t be afraid to use the internet. It is the best way to find and engage with like-minded people. And if you want people to seek you out, our ‘Tips for Starting a Successful Blog‘ article will help you set up your own blog that will promote yourself and your interests.
