Things you can do in your 20s to prevent wrinkles in your 30s

In your twenties, the last thing you’re worrying about is how to prevent wrinkles as you get older. But a few little changes now can help keep you looking young, and fine-line-free well into your thirties.

Swerve the straw

I’m not going to go into a big rant about plastic in our oceans, that can be a subject for another day, but pursing your lips around a straw every day can leave you with wrinkles around your mouth pretty quickly. Swerve the straw and go bare instead – oh, and please stop doing the duck face in your selfies – the same rule applies!

prevent wrinkles

Eat good shit

Your body is fucking magical, so by minimising cell damage you can literally fight the aging process from the inside, out. So, look to leafy green veggies, fruits and any foods rich in Omega-3 such as wild salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds, and berries.

prevent wrinkles

Prioritise sun protection

Honestly girls, I can’t stress enough how important it is to shield your skins from the sun in your twenties. Besides the obvious cancer risks, sun damage ages your like a prune. So to avoid looking like Donatella Versace by the time you’re 31, whack that suncream on, and opt for self tanning instead of sunbeds!

Wear your sunnies

Not only are sunglasses a great way to perve on hot men without them knowing, they also protect the delicate skin around your eyes from harsh UV rays. And, frankly, the bigger, the better in my opinion!

avoid wrinkles

Get your beauty sleep

Beauty sleep is a real thing, guys. Your eight hours of a night is the time your body uses to repair the damage from the day. So, interrupting that process will slow down cell turnover and interfere with proper blood flow to the skin making the complexion sallow and haggard. So that’s no more all nighters girls, I’m afraid!

avoid wrinkles
