Having beautiful hair can boost your self-esteem. On average, most people will lose up to 100 strands every day. However, if you seem to be shedding more hair than expected, there may be an underlying issue to address. Speak with your doctor or dermatologist to find out why you lose hair. Here are some of the most common reasons for sudden shedding and how to stop hair loss.
Poor Diet
Your chances of losing hair are high when you miss certain nutrients, especially when trying to cut weight with a crash diet. Deprivation of essential nutrients such as vitamins, iron, and protein can lead to excessive hair shedding. A healthy diet plays a crucial role in the smooth functioning of your system. On the other hand, Vitamin A or iron imbalances could trigger hair loss.
Disruptive Hair Care Practices
If you enjoy styling your hair, you must be careful to avoid going overboard. Avoid harsh chemicals and hair treatments such as chemical straighteners and bleach. Avoid hairstyles that push your hair too far back and those that require excessive heat treatment.
Medical Conditions and Hormonal Changes
Various conditions can cause hair loss. It could be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the condition. Alopecia areata is one of the conditions that cause hair loss, and hormonal changes could also trigger it. Other causes include menopause, thyroid problems, childbirth, or pregnancy. Stressful events or specific side effects of medication can also lead to temporary hair loss.
Family History
The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition that happens with aging. This condition is called androgenic alopecia, male-pattern baldness, and female-pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns — a receding hairline, bald spots in men, thinning hair, and the crown of the scalp in women.
How to Stop Hair Loss
It is crucial to seek the advice of a specialist as soon as you notice the initial signs of hair loss. Avoid the misconceptions and seek the advice of a specialist. There is a variety of proven hair loss treatments that are effective at addressing the root cause of the problem:
Topical Retinoids
Treatment involves the application of topical retinoids to the scalp. Retinoid is a Vitamin A derivative, and recent studies have shown its effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. It helps to combat low nutrients that can lead to shedding.
Prescription Medication
Several clinically approved medications have been proven to prevent further hair loss and encourage new hair growth. Minoxidil, generic for Rogaine, can be bought over the counter and increases blood flow to the hair follicles.
Another great option is Finasteride, generic for Propecia, which inhibits the hormones that lead to male pattern baldness. It is available as a topical spray. Experts can answer all your queries and concerns about the drugs such as the treatment period and how much is it? All the information you need is one click away.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
The treatment involves the injection of plasma rich in platelets into the scalp. It is effective in stimulating hair growth, especially in balding areas. It is best to complete all the required sessions and consult a qualified specialist for the best results.
Sudden hair loss can be a cause for concern for many people. It can often be unexpected and difficult to deal with. There are many different reasons why someone might experience sudden hair loss, and it is important to get help if you are struggling with this issue.

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