If you’ve wandered up by the bombed-out church recently and found yourself dazzled by a sea of neon, you might be wondering what on earth is happening. Well, Jimmy’s Bar Liverpool is opening, which means Live music is coming to Bold Street.
Jimmy’s Bar Liverpool sits atop the old Cabin Club venue, for those of us old enough to remember the music venue renowned for being where George Harrison wrote his first song for The Beatles and where more than a few people lost a shoe to its sticky floors.

The loss of the Cabin Club felt like a great shame to Liverpool’s once-great musical heritage, a scene that now seems to elude the city, where far fewer people seem to attend honest-to-goodness gigs from local bands and no other breakthrough artists seem to come from around here anymore – but maybe they just needed somewhere to play? Jimmy’s hopes to fill that void.
The second music venue to grace the North West called Jimmy’s, after the original opened in Manchester back in 2016, owners (and brothers) George and Jimmy Craig want to bring the soul of new music back to the streets of Liverpool. Plenty of up-and-coming artists are lined up to grace the stage and hopefully reignite the powder keg that is Liverpool’s bustling independent music scene.

While offering an impressive seven nights a week of live music to enjoy, the club also hopes to hold their own with the nightlife of the local area. The unabashedly rock n’ roll vibe of the place gives you the impression that they’ll manage to do just that.
As you enter the club, you’re struck by a tidal wave of psychedelic neon, a veritable sea of lava lamps, a gaudy sign invites the crowd to ‘please be naked’ and a classic drumkit perched ominously above the bar that’s just missing a mop-topped Ringo Starr moaning about the state of his fingers. The sight is akin to being grabbed by the scruff of the neck and thrown headfirst back into the 60’s. As a city that thrives on nostalgia, you just sort of go with it, and it works. If you want a venue devoid of personality, head down to the O2 academy.

With the retro vibe of the club being as entertaining as it is, I have high hopes for the kind of night out this venue can offer the city. Jimmy’s can already boast a solid reputation on the streets of Manchester for giving grassroots music a chance to flourish and, given my first experience of visiting, I’m full of hope that we can see this establishment go on to carry the torch for the lost Cabin Club and emerge as one of the must-see venues this city has to offer!
Tom is the Mens lifestyle editor here at The Daily Struggle. Interested in Mens health and fashion, theater and eats copious amounts of cheese toasties when he thinks no one is looking.