We all know I love a tan, and now our three days of summer are over I am back to hitting the tanning bottle. I love nothing more than the glowy sun kissed look of tanned skin and I’m always on the lookout for a new tan to try.I received the Model Co instant tan in medium and immediately wanted to slap it all over my body.

The Model Co tan is quick drying, non-stick lotion delivers an instant bronzed colour whilst adding some moisture and hydration to the skin. Infused with antioxidants including aloe vera and coconut oil I was immediately impressed with how soft this left my skin on first application.
Smelling of coconut this formula glided onto the skin quickly and effortlessly and left me feeling instantly more tanned and moisturised.
Model Co Tan: The pros
Super easy to apply and doesn’t streak on application I think this would be the perfect tan if you have dry skin, are new to tanning and/or want a natural even looking instant tan.
Non sticky and lightweight formula which felt super hydrating.

The cons
If I’m honest there are hardly any cons. However, for me, this wasn’t as dark as I would like, I also wasn’t super keen on applying this without a mitt like suggested, as I am more used to applying a mousse (rather than a lotion) with a mitt. You do also have to really rub it in vigorously as it is quite rich.
I applied this tan once and didn’t need to top up for a good few days. So, I will be adding this tan to my collection and using as a more natural day to day tan option along with that I will be purchasing the buffing mitt to keep on top of those hard to blend areas.

Model co also offer a one-hour tan in a mousse, as well as different variations of gradual tans, body oils and tan removers.
Available from £9.99 via amazon.

Beauty Editor at The Daily Struggle. Beauty and makeup loving Liverpool girl with a tendency to over share and over spend. Dawn writes everything from skincare reviews to the latest makeup looks.