While we use the full moon to release all of the energy that no longer serves us, the new moon if the perfect time to set some intentions, goals or resolutions for the upcoming month. New moon rituals come in a variety of different forms, and there’s no right or wrong way to utilise this period of energy. Whether you follow any wiccan practices or not, this is a time to harness that buzzing energy and we work towards our future goals.
It is believed that as the moon grows, that your intention will too, and by the moon completes its cycle your manifestations will be in motion – so let’s not waste any more time…

3 new moon rituals to try
The power of intention is very important during this lunar phase and it’s the perfect opportunity to dedicate some time to thinking about what you want to acheieve in the future. As I’ve already said, there’s no right or wrong way to set your intentions, and your new moon rituals or practices should be whatever comes naturally to you and be a reflection of your own unique place in life as well as your personal needs and desires. But if you’re not too sure where to start, here are some practices that came help you to get into the right headspace:
New moon smoke cleanse
If you’re new to the magic of the moon, smoke cleansing can be a really symbolic way to cleanse yourself and your to make space for new opportunities, intentions and positive thought processes.
Use dried herbs such a sage, cedar, rosemary or juniper – either bundled, or burnt loose in a small ceramic, stone bowl or heavy sea shell, using a white feather to waft the smoke.
Start by calling on the herbs to cleanse and protect you by saying: “sacred herbs, remove all negativity from my heart; cleanse me, bless me” then, holding the smudge stick or bowl away from you, waft the smoke around you starting with your heart.
Then take the smoke over your head, down your arms and down the front of your body, and whilst you’re doing this imagine the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, emotions and energies that may have attached themselves to you.
Lastly, bring the smoke down the back of your body towards the ground whilst visualizing the last remains of negativity being taken back into the earth and away into the air. Once you’ve cleansed yourself, go through each room in your home and waft the smoke about, seeing it exit the window or door, along with any “bad” energy. Make sure you get into all of those corners and drawers – they say that’s where the negative energy can hide.

Setting intentions with the new moon
One of the most powerful ways to set your intentions with the new moon is to write them down. Grab a pen and paper and take a few minutes to really think about how to put your wishes, dreams and desires for the days ahead into words, think of this as your manifestation list and always try to be as specific as you can. Read your list aloud and try to look at it each day to remind yourself of your goals until the next full moon.
Some people prefer to burn their lists to release the energy it contains into the space, whilst some people prefer to set up a private Pinterest board with images of their goals to look at every day – it really depends on what feels right for you.
New moon bath rituals
Running a bath with salts, essential oils, herbs, or flower petals creates a sacred space, and the ritual of cleansing yourself under candlelight can be really powerful and help you to focus on your goals for the new lunar cycle. Take the time to pause and meditate or engage in breathing exercises, whilst picturing the water of the bath giving you a renewal of energy.

New moon spells
If you’re new to moon magic, here’s a really lovely little spell that will harness the energy of the new moon for whatever purpose you wish:
Light a white candle in a small bowl of water with a pinch of sea salt or sand (the wick and top of the candle should be comfortably above the water).

- Take two small pieces of paper and write what you’re letting go of on one and what you’d like to attract to you on the other.
- Set them on fire one at a time, starting with the thing you want to let go of and dunk into the water once it’s nearly burned out/you’re in danger of burning your fingers.
- Take a deep breath and focus on your intention, visualise it coming into existance and hold onto that thought for a minute, before blowing out the candle and saying out loug “and let it be so.”
3 crystals to use under a new moon
You can cleanse all your crystals under the light of the crescent moon, but if you’re working on particular new moon spells, meditations or rituals, there are some crystals that have powerful qualities to support you during this lunar phase:
Citrine is most commonly associated with success, wealth and abundance, making it an excellent stone for new moon manifestation and helping you to make your dreams a reality. As well as helping to remove negative energy from your home and protecting against other people’s negative energy, Citrine is said to increase self-esteem and boost your personal power making it ideal for increasing motivation, concentration and creativity.

Peacock Ore
This colourful stone is thought to not only repel negative energy, but help you to recognise where it is coming from. Peacock ore is often used to help to balance the chakras and is thought to help you in working towards any needed changes and reaching new goals. This crystal is thought to be highly useful if you are ever looking for guidance or help with an obstacle that is blocking your chosen path in life.

Obsidian is a highly grounding and protective stone often used to cleanse negative energies from the environment and within ourselves. Obsidian can help to neautralise negative emotions, such as anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, and is often used for healing and releasing energy blockages, having a tendency to work quickly to move disputes to the surface to be resolved.

Just a group of real women dealing with life’s daily struggles! Want to write for us? Email: hello@thedailystruggle.co.uk