A bar for nerds? Whatever next? NQ64 Liverpool is the brand spanking new retro arcade & video game themed bar set up in the old Aloha building (RIP) on Colquitt Street, you know, the one just off Seel Street. The bar is the second incarnation of NQ64, with the original based in Manchester, and the group look to take a successful business model across the UK with the promise of pixel-filled drunken fun.

The selection of playable arcade games is certainly nothing to sniff at, with plenty to choose from including classics such as Pac-Mac, Tetris and that horrible machine that tries to make you dance by stepping on squares whilst simultaneously making you look a tit of yourself when you go arse over tit. No, I don’t want to talk about it.
NQ64 Liverpool: What to expect
The games at NQ64 Liverpool operate on tokens that can be purchased at the bar for a very reasonable price, considering the price of Fredos these days. It’s not just about the games, though, as there are plenty of drinks to choose from including an impressive cocktail collection or the pick of the crop from Camden Town brewery and other IPAs – all served in those iconic red cups.
Special shout out goes to the entire wall dedicated to old consoles: N64, Megadrive and the SNES. 90’s kids will feel right at home back to a time when they didn’t have any responsibilities and could spend all day in front of the telly whiling away the hours on video games. But we can drink now, so at least there’s that.
It’s probably a safe bet that this will become the new first date spot for the city after practically everyone in the city has ‘shoot their shot’ at Ghetto Golf. There’s a real poetic justice in the thought of the making or breaking of relationships over a game of Time Crisis.

Check out their Instagram page here https://www.instagram.com/nq64liverpool/
Tom is the Mens lifestyle editor here at The Daily Struggle. Interested in Mens health and fashion, theater and eats copious amounts of cheese toasties when he thinks no one is looking.