Elle Woods Quotes: 10 Important Life Lessons legally blonde taught us

With two films, a live stage show and a (questionable) spin-off, Legally Blonde is the ultimate girly cult classic, and a favourite of 20-something females…

10 Scrans to Look Out For at this Weekend’s Liverpool Food Festival

There aren’t many things on this earth that can get me more excited than the promise of inbound Easter eggs. But this weekend the choccy…

How to escape a bad date

With the meteoric rise of Tinder, and online dating in general, it’s probably a safe assumption that many of us going on a lot more…

The best takeaways in Liverpool

Liverpool City Centre is full of restaurants offering amazing, fry ups and roasts that promise to cure your hangover… but what happens when you wake up…

5 funny work memes that perfectly describe your commute

Ah, the morning commute. Whether you beep your way through the 9AM chaos or endure the woes of public transport, the journey to work is…

The Seven Best Cities For The Ultimate Stag Weekend

No longer is your wedding day the most important event of your life; you need to get the stag weekend before the big day ‘just…

Good Star Wars Comebacks to use in an Argument

With the massive blockbuster Star Wars: Rogue One coming out this week, a fair few of us are excited about it. Some of you… a…
