Can you really lose weight in the run up to Christmas?
Well, I decided why wait until January when I could give myself a headstart in the hopes I’ll go into January feeling that bit more motivated to kickstart my 2021 fitness journey.
Because would January really be January without some sort of fitness regime?
For 6 weeks I followed the Christmas Countdown Challenge, all online with Jay from Stand out fitness. The plan included four bodyweight live workouts a week, two kettlebell sessions, one yoga session and week plus gym plans and an easy-to-follow diet plan as well as a weekly check ins with Jay.
I was lucky enough to start this just as the gyms closed for a month and we went into lockdown for the second time this year. The timing in one way couldn’t have felt more perfect.
Don’t get me wrong I find it challenging to commit to working out at home especially fitting in live sessions around work but luckily all workouts were added to a private Instagram page to catchup on later in the day. To keep me on track I set my alarm for 4pm every afternoon to ensure I got away from my desk and worked out, I treated the sessions as if they were live and ensured I was warmed up and ready to go with a bottle of water in hand. For me, keeping myself structured is the only way I knew it would work.
Jays workouts were tough, yet he broke them down into manageable rounds, so I found it easy to keep up, with alternatives given if you struggled with a particular movement. I particularly enjoyed the kettlebell sessions and worked my way up from starting with a 6kg to finishing the challenge off using a 10kg.
Not only that but Jay added daily recipes and challenges to follow as much or as little as you wanted.
Having a check in with Jay helped to hold me accountable for the effort I was putting in and it helped to keep me focused.
I always think its hard to see the difference in yourself and if the number on the scales doesn’t move too much it can feel really disheartening. Jay suggested taking measurements as well as some before pictures to compare at the end of the programme.
And I am so glad I did.
The scales didn’t move too much (I am totally used to that!) however I lost 9 inches overall – 5 off my waist alone.

If I’m honest the inches are great of course they are but having something to focus on as well as keeping me fit and motivated during lockdown did more for my mental health than anything else and that’s what I would say to anyone thinking of giving it a go this January. If you know you struggle to get to the gym and you want something you can work around your lifestyle, I would suggest giving his plan a go. If fitness is new to you and you’re worried you won’t be able to keep up I promise you, if I can do it anyone can!
And for £19.99 – what have you got to lose really?
Check out the programme and just some of the results over on Jay’s page:

Beauty Editor at The Daily Struggle. Beauty and makeup loving Liverpool girl with a tendency to over share and over spend. Dawn writes everything from skincare reviews to the latest makeup looks.