To celebrate International Womens Day on 8th March, we interviewed one of our most ‘Inspirational’ Liverpool business women, Katherine Caldwell, owner of The Nest Liverpool – the Albert Docks newest independent art hot spot, showcasing local artists and designers.
Tell us a bit about The Nest Liverpool
At The Nest we sell the work of some of the finest local artists and designers that we could find, as well as selling my own illustration work. We are excited to announce that we are about to launch some brilliant new products that we have commissioned especially from local designers and makers. These will be joining our ever expanding range of exclusive design-led gifts that are exclusive to us.

What inspired you to start The Nest Liverpool?
The quality of work that local makers and designers were producing was outstanding, and the location… of course! I also wanted to create the right sort of retail environment that would complement the work that we were selling. In imagining how my own illustration work would be be presented, many of the ideas for The Nest come very naturally.
Why did you choose Liverpool as the location for your shop?
I am Liverpool born and bred so I know the city and its creative scene pretty well, it all just made sense. I love it here and couldn’t imagine establishing The Nest anywhere else. When the opportunity came to open at The Royal Albert Dock I just didn’t look back.
Have you always had an interest in Art and Design?
Yes, I was that kid that won the colouring-in competitions in primary school and got presented with a mug in assembly! I can’t remember a time that I wasn’t making, creating or colouring-in. I still remember, when in primary school, a teacher set us the task of designing an album cover in paper collage. I pulled the band name out of a hat and it was the Velvet Underground. It is still one of my all time favourite projects that I’ve ever been set! My art education continued through GCSE and A-level, then onto college and university where I gained my BA (Hons) degree in Graphic Arts at LJMU School of Art & Design.
What are some of your best sellers?
We are really fortunate to have a wide range of best-sellers and every supplier has their own unique contribution that they bring to our shop. I am grateful for the items that make lots and lots of sales for us and just instantly connect with our customers, but also the items that are maybe more of an investment piece. It is wonderful to see people appreciate quality and provenance.
Who are some of the local artists / designers that are stocked in store?
At the moment we are working on some collaborations with our artists. Look out for more from Matthew Storrow of Mock Up Goods Co,who is an illustrator with a very special new product launching in a couple of weeks. Also, super photographer Marianthi Lainas is working closely with us one something special, as is the hugely popular Neal Dawson. Jewellery maker Finest Imaginary Welder Tony Shannon is expanding our exclusive range in store, as are our Baltic Clay ceramicists with some special pieces just for us!
Who is your most inspirational artist?
This is a really tough one! I don’t think I can just pick one. I am inspired by William Morris for the many aspects of his career and the person he was as a whole… from his time as an activist fighting inequality in Victorian Britain, to his successful novels and poems, through to his infamous textile and wallpaper designs. I have to give Keith Haring a mention as I find his work truly exciting and also Shirley Hughes for her beautiful children’s books. Of course Botticelli’s work is an absolute joy to see in person, oh I could go on and on!
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a business owner? What’s the most gratifying thing about it?
There are always challenges but you just learn to adapt and end up all the better for it, I think. For me at the moment I am trying to manage my time a little better. Running The Nest is a very full role but I also like to get creative with our in-store displays and marketing, all of which I also manage, as well as my own product range.

It is important for me to keep my own creative involvement up as this will be what sets us apart and gives us our own unique identity, so I spend a lot of time on that. I also need that creative, hands on approach after a day of admin! I am very lucky to have a very supportive family who help out a lot too, and an accountant who does all that boring stuff.
The most gratifying thing about all the hard work is, of course, seeing the success of our artist and designer suppliers and hearing all the wonderful compliments about our shop from our customers.
What advice would you give to new startups in Liverpool?
Ahhh! Advice. I think there’s a lot of good advice out there if you need it, although I’m not sure how much of it I ever paid attention to! Maybe I’m not the right one to give it! But I will say to stay inquisitive- ask questions and do your research. Always *know* what you’re talking about, don’t just think you know. And passion goes a very, very long way so if you’ve got that you’re 90% there.
Check out all our other ‘inspirational women’ featured on the blog here.

Just a group of real women dealing with life’s daily struggles! Want to write for us? Email: hello@thedailystruggle.co.uk