Being a new mum is hard work and it can be difficult to navigate your way through sometimes. But rest assured, you’re doing a great job! To help make those first few months a little easier, we asked a number of women from The Luna Hive to share their top tips for new mums
“Take time out for yourself. Remembering to breathe deeply and slowly (in for 7 and out for 11 if you can) can help you keep your cool during the day. This practice gives your mind some space from your list of ‘to-dos’ and worry thoughts, letting you take some time to clear your busy mind. Even better it can be done in moments of peace, or in the midst of the hustle bustle. You can even set a reminder on your phone to remind you to check in with your breath!”
Dr Jo Gee, Psychotherapist:
“The fourth trimester is real! Don’t fight it, embrace it, you can’t “make a rod for your own back” at this stage. The 5Ss by Dr Harvey Karp is a great technique to settle an upset newborn, it aids their transition to the outside world and gives new parents a tool to support their baby and empower them. It’s a steep learning curve so be kind to yoursel. The 5 S’s include swaddling, side or stomach position, shushing, swinging and sucking and it’s these actions that recreate the womb like atmosphere.”
Steph Standing, Antenatal teacher’s tips for new mums:
“There is no rush to return to your prior level of exercise. Appreciate what your body has achieved and respect that tissue healing and recovery takes time. Gentle stretching, walking, breathing and reconnecting with your pelvic floor.”
Jo Coulter Physiotherapist:

“Be proud of your body when you are a Mum. Your body is like a canvas, it carries with it many stories of your pregnancy & birth, treat it well. Post natal massage can iron out the kinks that may develop during pregnancy & allow you to move freely.”
– Adele Smythe, Holistic Fitness classes & Restorative Therapy
“Baby wanting to be held all the time and not wanting to be put down is totally normal! There’s no such thing as cuddling them too much in the early weeks and months and it won’t lead to a clingy child. Using a comfortable, well-fitting sling can help meet baby’s need to be held, support her weight and give you your hands back to make that hot cup of tea!”
Sarah Persin, Babywearing Consultant:
“If you have had a c-section there is a lot that you can do yourself to help speed up recovery. While you main priority should be healing it is important to keep moving in the early days after surgery. Simply walking has so many benefits in starting to improve overall mobility – just 10 minutes a day at a gentle pace that is comfortable for you will help to speed up your recovery process. It is also important to remember to breathe – deep breaths help to activate the diaphragm and will create some gentle movement through the scar tissue.”
Osteopath Sally Wade’s tips for new mums:

“Becoming a mother is one of the most life changing transitions in a woman’s life (now called matrescence) and is a time for nurturing support. Reaching out and getting help from a postnatal doula can have a profound and positive effect for years to follow. It’s not a time for bouncing back but physical and emotional recovery. A postnatal doula can hold your baby while you rest, nourish you with wholesome foods, be an extra pair of hands and ‘mother you as a mother’. Babies don’t come with manuals so having a baby care guide can increase your confidence and help you find your feet as a new parent.”
Victoria Greenly, Postnatal Doula:
“As a new mum your time and attention will be primarily around your baby. Don’t think about perfect nutrition, just keep things simple and prioritise fresh food and balanced meals as often as possible. Make things easier on yourself by buying ready prepared salads and pre-cut veggies. Eat protein foods often to help with repairing your body and keeping you feeling full. Think pre-cooked chicken slices, hard boiled eggs, nuts and seeds. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water too!”
Nutrition Practitioner Helen Morton’s tips for new mums:
“When you are a new mum, the last thing you fancy doing is spending hours in the kitchen. Simple short-cuts will help you to prepare quick but nourishing meals. This includes using your freezer fully: cut up onion and garlic, pre-prepared vegetables such as spinach and root vegetables, berries, fish and meat should be your basic selection. To beat tiredness, go for protein, whole grains and healthy fat such as olive oil, avocado or nuts, and seeds at every meal. Ready-made hummus with oatcakes makes a great snack. Ready-cooked whole grains and pulses with colourful vegetables and a protein of your choice are ideal for lunch and dinner.”
Recomended post natal and feel good products by our experts:

Read Next: What REALLY happens during your first year as a new mum!

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