What is Microneedling? Here’s everything you need to know…

What is microneedling

The sound of it may have you concerned, but there is no need to worry! Microneedling is a versatile treatment which has many uses and benefits. Below is everything you need to know about microneedling.

Understanding how it works

Depending on if you go to a beauty clinic where they may use a powered microneedling tool, or you use a dermaroller at home, the basic principle is the same. Your skin is punctured with tiny needles which causes your body to heal itself in the treated area naturally. 


Today, what we know as microneedling was first used by American Doctor Desmond Fernandes in Philadelphia 25 years ago. In 1995, Dr Fernandes developed a stamp with small needles to treat scars and wrinkles. However, the origins of microneedling go even further back with Ernst Kromayer, a German dermatologist using dental burs powered by a motor-driven flexible cord to treat hyperpigmentation, birthmarks and scars in 1905. Some also believe that microneedling is linked to the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. 

Treatments and benefits 

One of the main benefits of microneedling is that it increases your level of collagen production. Collagen is vital to keep your skin looking young, smooth, soft and tight. As we get older, the amount of collagen our body produces can reduce, so by stimulating your skin with microneedling you’re helping your body bring collagen levels back up. 

What is microneedling
Pic Credit: www.aestheticslab.co.uk

Microneedling is an effective treatment for reducing the visibility of scars, fine lines, wrinkles, stretch marks sun damage and hyperpigmentation. It can also be used to provide general rejuvenation of your skin to give you a brighter complexion. 

The treatment works on all skin types and colours and is effective from your first treatment session. One session can be completed within an hour, and while the number of sessions you may need can be between 3 and 6, the effects will continue to improve even after the treatments have stopped. Microneedling can help both men and women who may be struggling with their skin ageing or a skin condition. 

What to look out for

If you’re going to a beauty clinic to have a microneedling treatment, you should check that the person carrying out your treatment has the relevant qualifications. Ask before you book your appointment, and the clinic should be able to tell you right away. When using a dermatorller at home, always follow the guidelines which come with the product, so you do not damage your skin. 

If you’re still looking for more information, there are lots of beauty clinics that offer microneedling, and many will be happy to speak with you about the process before carrying out a treatment session.  
