Trish, Anne and Dina are the Whatever the Weather Girls; The Daily Struggle’s newest columnists. Long term friends in the early Autumn years of their lives. Here’s what you need to know about them!
We call ourselves ‘Whatever The Weather Girls’; three women in our fifties and sixties on a mission to explore the restaurants and vibe of Liverpool each month – whatever the weather, whatever our circumstances.

Over the last few years life has thrown many curved balls at us and we struggled to meet on a regular basis as we dealt with health issues, caring responsibilities and bereavements of close family members. At times, life was looking pretty bleak and we were struggling to get together twice a year.
By Christmas 2018, we finally battled some horrendous winter weather to meet up for lunch in Liverpool and decided that, from then on, whatever the weather and whatever our personal circumstances we would promise to meet on a monthly basis, come hell or high water.
Each month we will be visiting a different restaurant; trying out the many cuisines and various vibes that Liverpool has to offer. And we will be giving you the lowdown of the best and the worst places to visit in Liverpool – from the perspective of women in their 50’s. After all, it’s not just you 20-somethings that are up for a tipple (or three) and enjoy an exotic gin.
Whilst Trish and Anne eat meat, (but are always keen to try the veggie option) Dina is vegan – so we will be letting you know where in Liverpool caters for a range of different dietary requirements.
So, follow our monthly column to find out what we get up to in the beautiful city of Liverpool!

Trish, Anne and Dina are ‘Whatever The Weather Girls’; three women in our fifties on a mission to explore the restaurants and vibe of Liverpool each month – whatever the weather, whatever our circumstances.