White Lines Ending: the unanswered questions of Netflix’s latest original

If you’ve been spending far too much time scrolling Twitter and binging Netflix, (haven’t we all) you’ll have probably already completed the viral series on Netflix that everyone’s talking about: White Lines. 

The murder mystery set in Ibiza has all the ingredients you’d expect from a trending Netflix original: sex, violence, drugs, romance. But the execution felt lackluster and we were left feeling like the whole thing was just Hollyoaks-set-in-Spain. 

But, what the series lacked in performance it certainly made up for in bizarre plotlines. Plotlines that kept us hanging on throughout the ten episodes, but are never really fully explained. So, today we thought we’d take a look at some of the unanswered questions from the white lines ending.

white lines ending

***This is going to be FULL of White Lines spoilers, so don’t say I didn’t warn you!***

White Lines Ending & Unanswered Questions:

What happens with Zoe and Anna? 

This is the big one: in the white lines ending episode we finally see *SPOILER* Anna reveal to Zoe that she was the one who killed Axel on his birthday 20 years before. Not because of the money, we’re told, but rather out of fear that he will finally tell Marcus that they’ve been hooking up behind his back.

Considering Anna and Zoe are such old friends and, you know, the whole series is based around this penultimate moment, we’re expecting to see a bit of a fall out. 

But… nothing? 

End scene, cut to Anna’s wedding. 
We’re left wondering what happened? Are we meant to believe that Zoe simply shrugged this information off after risking her life to find out the truth? Could this be a way to leave us on tenderhooks until Series Two where the answer the question: “does Anna get charged with Axel’s murder” is finally answered.

who killed axel collins

Does Anna marry George?

Seconds after the anticlimax of the series, we see Anna, (in her wedding dress and no signs of violence) telling Marcus that she still loves him. To which he pretty much replies, “no thanks love”. Good on you Marcus, cutting that cord. 

So, does she marry George even after he’s revealed he’s only with her for convenience? It looks like she plans to.  

white lines ending

Why did Axel have peacock feathers in his lungs?

The peacock feathers in Axel’s lungs are the one clue we have throughout the series to suggest that he’s killed at his birthday party, so excuse us for thinking we might find out how! Should we assume there were peacock feathers in the pool, and he somehow swallowed them as Anna (attempted to) drown him? Or did he snort some up with that last line. I guess we’ll never know.

who killed axel collins

Who killed Zoe’s dad?

Ok we know that *SPOILER* Oriol played a huge part in Zoe’s father’s death after he choked him out and sent them both crashing into a fatal log pile. But he did have good reason to. But does Zoe know that? And, more importantly, do the police know that? Will Boxer tell her? Is this the reason Boxer finally called it quits with Andreu? Or is there another reason…

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Do Zoe and Boxer get back together?

That leads us onto our next questions; what about the romance between Zoe and Boxer, (which got far too intense far too quickly imho but anyway.) After she mercilessly jet-washes him in the final episode, we’d be inclined to think that they won’t – but with Boxer going legit, could this be a fresh start for the new couple?

white lines boxer

Does Zoe go home?

If Zoe and Boxer don’t get back together, what on earth does she plan to do next? She’s homeless in Ibiza, her husband and daughter have gone home in the wake of her affair and she’s pretty much on her own. Is she planning to be a permanent party girl resident at Kika’s gaff? It doesn’t sound like the worst idea she’s ever had.

kika white lines

WTF was the incest thing about?

And finally, whilst we’re on the subject of Kika, (is she still with Marcus btw?) we need to talk about that family healing circle in which her mum revealed she had been encouraging Oriol’s strange sexual attraction to her by… rubbing her bum against his erection? PARDON? Is everyone just OK with this?

white lines unanswered questions

Will there be a second series of White Lines?

And finally, the question on everyone’s lips: will we ever find out the answers to these questions in a second series? Whilst it hasn’t been announced the cast have been hinting at the possibility of a series two, so watch this space. It’d be rude not to tune in…
