If you had told me 12 weeks ago I would be working out in my garden most lunch hours and using a couch to 5k every other day I would have laughed at you.
But at the same time I don’t think anyone could have predicted we would be in the situation that we are and for so long.
Exercise for me is a struggle, I love it when I do it but motivating and pushing myself is something I will often put off.

However, the benefits and knowing what I can achieve when I put my mind to it always push me forward and not just for my physical health but my mental health also.
The difference in how I feel in myself after exercising is something I’m unable to find anywhere else.
Around 18 months ago I realised that going to the gym and working out wasn’t enough for me, I needed an extra push, I needed someone to show me where to focus on and how I could improve my fitness and my strength so I started personal training with Jodie and have never looked back.

I wont lie, Jodie is tough.
My first session I never wanted to go back I felt sick and shaky and used muscles I didn’t even know existed and I struggled to drive home.
However, I persisted, and I went back, week after week.
And then lockdown happened. Being someone who is very conscious of their weight and body in general, one of the first thoughts was oh no, I’m going to put all my weight back on and I’m going to lose all my strength because without a PT I knew I would struggle.
And I’ve had weeks where I have, weeks where I have really struggled with motivating myself, but lucky for me Jodie has been there every single day sending me workouts to do and motivating me to not lose all of our hard work. Not only that but she offers 121 Zoom classes and live free workouts over on Instagram.

I spoke to Jodie about what motivates her during this difficult time and what words of inspiration she can offer.
One thing I will say, and I say this honestly.
If I can do it, anyone can, you just have to start.
Tell us a bit about yourself, how did you end up with the concept behind your brand?
I grew up always loving sport. I was in every sports team and ran nearly every race in athletics! My brother and I used to be in the garden always active playing football or on the trampoline or hitting golf balls! I kind of just grew up always being active! I originally wanted to be a primary school teacher and specialise in P.E but then I did a fitness instructor course! After the fitness instructor course, I was offered a job in a private gym which I loved! Whilst I was there, I completed my Personal Training course and then started to do private sessions. I have been qualified now for 8 years and I have loved every minute of training people! Then 2 years ago I decided to leave my job and become a self-employed personal trainer which is the best! So lucky that my job is something that I love!
What do you offer?
I offer 1-2-1 and group personal training sessions. They are taken in a small gym (most of the time private) in Ormskirk. I like to mix everyone’s training up with cardio and strength training and make it fun! At the moment through lockdown, I am offering 1-2-1 or group online FaceTime/Zoom PT sessions & I do 2 Instagram lives a week (Tuesday & Thursday 9am).
What are your key tips for staying fit and healthy during lockdown?
I like to stay active. Whether that be go for a walk, do a bit of the garden, or do a workout. Try and plan your week! I started planning my days but sometimes things can change so if you plan your week i.e to do 4 or 5 training sessions, you can fit them in when you can. I also think going for a walk every day is so important, for me anyway! For your fitness and for your mind. There are also so many people on social media doing Instagram and Facebook lives. Even if you do not have any motivation, they are on the other end of the camera shouting at you!
What advice would you give to young girls who are struggling with their fitness and motivation during lockdown?
If you are struggling for motivation that’s OK! Sometimes when you feel like that, it means your body needs a rest or sometimes you can do a workout and feel amazing afterwards! You really must listen to your own body! I would always just do the workout, or go for a walk! I think it makes you feel so much better and gives you the motivation for the rest of the week! I also think if you are eating well, that helps with motivation to workout.
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to start exercising but feels like they don’t know where to start?
I would definitely recommend a personal trainer if you are new to exercise. A lot of people think that to go to personal trainer you need to be really fit and know what you are doing but that’s not true. We are here to help you and ease you in to exercise if you have never done it before. Using a personal trainer also helps you to learn the exercises with correct form.
How do you stay motivated and positive?
I like to think I am a very positive person! My family & friends will tell you that ha! It comes quite naturally to me to be positive in situations! I think you just always have to think of the glass being half full! Just enjoy life, have fun with everything and keep exercising! Exercising makes me feel so good, even just a walk in the fresh air can brighten up your day. Just enjoy every moment.
What are your ‘daily struggles’ and how do you overcome them?
I actually paused so long for this question as I can’t think of any! I just take the day as it comes.
What is next for you?
To be honest I have no plan for what is next. I absolutely love training all my clients so I will be carrying on with my 1-2-1 and group sessions. I would love to have my own gym clothing range, that is a big dream so we shall see!
Follow Jodie on Instagram: @jodiekinnearpt

Beauty Editor at The Daily Struggle. Beauty and makeup loving Liverpool girl with a tendency to over share and over spend. Dawn writes everything from skincare reviews to the latest makeup looks.